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Changing scale of a continuous X axis

You can change the minimum and maximum scale of a continuous X-axis in a Scatter visual.

A continuous axis scale has an infinite number of possible values, in equal intervals. Compare it with a categorical axis scale, which has a finite number of evenly spaced values, limited to the values in the dataset.

To enable continuous X-axis, see Enabling a continuous X axis.

To change the minimum and maximum scale of a continuous X-axis, navigate to the Axes menu, and make adjustments to the two selectors for the Min X Scale and Max X Scaleoptions.

The image on the left shows the minimum and maximum scale of the X axis from 50 to 350. Notice that in the right image the scale changes when we changed the values from 0 to 1000. Increasing the scale also gives a clearer visual representation of where the sodium levels fall within a range of values.

Figure 1. Minimum and Maximum Values of a Continuous X Axis