WorkspacesPDF version

Custom workspace

In Cloudera Data Visualization, you always work and save your visuals within a workspace. There are three types of workspaces: private, public, and custom.

Custom workspaces are also known as shared workspaces and they act as collaborative folders designed for collective and team-oriented work.

  • Administrators or regular users equipped with the Create workspaces system-level permission can create custom workspaces.

  • Custom workspaces are governed by Access Control Lists (ACLs), enabling precise control over user access and permissions.

  • Access to custom workspaces can be configured with three distinct permission levels: View Only, Edit, and Manage. This flexibility ensures tailored access for each user or user group.

For example, if you want to share a dashboard with specific groups of users, you can set up a custom workspace that contains all information that is relevant to those users. You may have a workspace dedicated entirely to the security metrics of your online marketplace, one to the marketing branch of your organization, another one to the sales performance and inventory monitoring, and yet another one to revenues versus expenses analysis for the entire organization.