Creating date/time filters on a dashboard

In Cloudera Data Visualization, date and timestamp filters are essential for dynamically adjusting your dashboard visuals based on time-related data. By using date/time filters, you can allow users to easily explore and analyze records filtered by specific dates or time ranges. These instructions walk you through the process of creating and configuring date/time filters on a dashboard, including basic settings, time range selection, and customization options. You will learn how to add filters, adjust their configurations, and optimize them for a more tailored user experience.

  1. Open an existing dashboard in Edit mode.
  2. Go to the Filters tab on the Dashboard Designer side menu bar.
  3. Click any date type field from the dataset under Dimensions or Measures.
    You can see a new date/time filter widget added to the dashboard named after the selected field. You can hover over the widget to access filter actions in the top-right corner.
    • Clicking the Move icon moves the filter to the grid area.
    • Clicking opens the Settings modal window that allows you to configure the filter.
    • Hovering over the Info icon displays the filter's information modal, providing information about the visual and the dataset.
    • Clicking the Cross icon removes the filter from the dashboard.

    For instructions on how to configure date ranges, see Configuring ranges on dashboard filters.

  4. To set basic configuration for the new dashboard filter, hover over the filter widget and click in the top right corner.

    The Settings modal window opens on the Basic tab, showing the dataset of the filter and several configuration options.

    1. You can switch the filter to another dataset and connection by clicking .
    2. You can filter data by specifying a start and end date/time range on the dashboard using Permit selection of time range.
      Time Zone enables you to adjust the date/time filter to a specific time zone. To activate this, first check Permit selection of time range then choose the time zone from the drop-down. The default is UTC.
    3. You can use the Permit selection of NULL values setting to exclude null values for all filter types.
      For more information, see Including null values in date filters .
    4. To show only the latest timestamp, select the Default to the latest available timestamp option.
    5. To preserve the adjusted filter settings for View mode, select the Save date range selections made in edit mode option. You can use it to save the changes made in Edit mode.
    6. Base field specifies the filter-controlling field. You can change the base field to another field of the dataset. This option is available only in dataset-based filters.
    7. Title shows the name of the filter as it appears in the application at run-time. Keep it short and descriptive providing information on the filter's function.
  5. Click APPLY to save the configuration settings.

For more information on further configuration options, see the following documentation.